ESAIC Academy

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This module is composed of 4 sections, where you will find all the necessary information regarding the usage of HES:

- Section 1 - Risks related to the use of HES solutions outside the approved Product Information in the EU/EEA

- Section 2: Background and results from two Drug Utilisation Studies

- Section 3: Use of HES solutions according to the approved Product Information: Indication, dose, duration of treatment, and contraindications

- Section 4: Additional risk minimization measures (RMM's)

Relevant healthcare professionals (HCP's) are required to complete this training prior to the use of HES solutions at their institution.

The Controlled Access Programme starts on April 17, 2019.

After that date you cannot use HES without a certification of this training collected by the training provider.

This online-training applies for Healthcare Professionals in the EU/EEA only.

The content requirement for this training has specialized on the EU/EEA-relevant priorities. Applying for this course is only possible from within the EU/EEA.

This online-training applies for Healthcare Professionals in the EU/EEA only. The e-learning focuses on the usage of HES products according to the European product information and can therefore only accessed by HCPs from EU/EEA.

DEUTSCHLAND – Zertifizierung 2025: Anwendung von Hydroxyethylstärke (HES)-haltigen Infusionslösungen gemäß den zugelassenen europäischen Produktinformationen
02. März 2025 – 01. März 2026
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 2)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 3)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 4)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 5)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 6)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 7)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 8)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 9)
Lernerfolgskontrolle (Versuch 10)

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