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Webinar on Algorithmic Approach for Patients with Shock States 
Date: 10th Dec 2019
Time: 18:00 -19:00 CET

Scientific Faculty
Prof. Cesare Gregoretti
Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Science (Di.Chir.On.S.).
Section of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Intensive Care and Emergency.
Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo

Prof. Daniel De Backer
Department of Intensive Care, CHIREC Hospitals,
Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Brussels, Belgium

Prof. Einav Sharon
Intensive Care Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Centre,
Jerusalem, Israel
Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel

Scientific Support
Dr. Andrea Cortegiani
Department of Surgical, Oncological and Oral Science (Di.Chir.On.S.).
Section ofAnesthesia, Analgesia, Intensive Care and Emergency.
Policlinico Paolo Giaccone, University of Palermo

Maternal trauma and hemorrhagic shock:
Treatment of maternal shock remains suboptimal as attention is often directed to the fetus rather than the mother. Stabilization of maternal condition is bound to ensure fetal wellbeing in almost all types of hemorrhage other than direct damage to the uterus or the placenta.

The principles of correct workup and management of hemorrhagic shock are pertinent to maternal hemorrhage but there are unique considerations. For example how common is obstatric hemorrhage in maternal trauma? Is bedside ultrasound in search of hemorrhage of any value during pregnancy? What radiology tests are allowed? Blood and blood component ratios are based on military experience with trauma. Are they relevant for pregnant women? And more….

In this webinar we will discuss management of maternal trauma. The systematic approach presented will emphasize similarities and modifications to usual trauma care.

Septic shock:
​Septic shock remains associated with high mortality. The pathophysiology of septic shock is complex and involves diffuse endothelial alterations leading to arterial and venous dilation, vascular permeability, myocardial depression, alterations in the distribution of regional perfusion and microcirculatory alterations. In this webinar, we will discuss the different options for hemodynamic support of the patient in septic shock.

Session information
During this webinar, you will be encouraged to reply to predefined questions , to send your questions by chat and interact with our key specialists, who will provide live feedback.

The format includes presentations, live discussions with key specialists who will give you some useful tips for the application algorithmic approach in the different setting and shock states

This webinar will enable anaesthesiologists to:
• Recognize the importance of early recognizing shock states
• Know the risk factors for the development of the different shock states
• Know how to early recognize where “the patient is going to”
• Know the importance of following an algorithmic
​• Know the adverse effect of different therapeutic strategies to prevent the most important complications associated with these shock states

Practical skills to be acquired after attending to this Webinar
The user is able to:
• Recognize patients at risk of developing a shock state
• Know how and what to monitor in shock states
• Apply algorithmic approaches
• Recognize major determinants for the patient’s outcome.

Affective skills acquired after attending to this Webinar
The user is aware of:
• Understanding and recognizing the different shock states (hemorrhagic and septic shock).
• Understanding the risk factors for the development of these shock states.
• Understanding how to best and fast treating the different shock states (hemorrhagic and septic shock) and the importance of active application of an algorithmic approach in the different setting and shock states.
​• Understanding how to prevent the most important complications associated with these shock states to develop strategies for improving the outcome.

This webinar is targeted at anaesthesiologists, intensivists and emergency physicians implicated in the care of patients with trauma, obstetric anesthesia and septic shock.

Webinar on Algorithmic Approach in Septic and Hemorrhagic Shock States
Assessment & Evaluation

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