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There is evidence that perioperative GDT, i.e., a protocolised haemodynamic optimization strategy for the titration of fluids, vasopressors, and inotropes to predefined target values of haemodynamic variables, improves postoperative patient-centred outcomes in terms of a reduction of complications and mortality. However, despite this evidence, perioperative GDT is still poorly adapted in routine care. Perioperative GDT can especially improve outcomes in high-risk patients having major surgery and if fluids and vasoactive agents are titrated to individualized targets.

Session information

Content or Case-Based Presentation Perioperative Goal-directed Haemodynamic Therapy

• Basic concepts and pathophysiologic rationale

• What is the evidence?

In this talk, the evidence from randomized controlled trials for perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy is systematically described and indications for this treatment strategy are explained

• How to implement protocols into clinical practice?

In this talk the limitations of prospective randomized controlled trials for perioperative goal- directed hemodynamic therapy are discussed and before/after trials will be presented. Also strategies to implement goal-directed therapy in clinical practice will be shown and items that prohibit successful implementation will be identified and discussed.

This webinar will enable anaesthesiologists to:

- Understand the rationale for perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy

- Know the new evidence for goal-directed haemodynamic therapy

-Implement perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy in clinical practice

-Know about future directions in the field of perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy

Practical skills to be acquired after attending to this Webinar 

The user is able to:

- Decide which patients may best benefit from perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy

- Apply perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy using different monitoring technologies in clinical practice

- Implement perioperative goal-directed haemodynamic therapy in clinical practice 

Affective skills acquired after attending to this Webinar 

The user is aware of: Limitations of prospective studies with dedicated inclusion and exclusion criteria, barriers for implementation of clinical strategies. Needs Analaysis Postopertive complications and mortality after surgery remain high. Perioperative GDT has the potential to improve patient-centered outcomes.

This webinar is aimed at practicing anaesthesiologists (residents and specialists)

ESAIC Webinar: Perioperative Goal-directed Haemodynamic Therapy
Assessment & Evaluation

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