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Scientific Faculty
- MD Teodora-Orhidee Nicolescu MBA-HCM, FASA, Webinar Activity Chair
- MD Leila Niemi-Murola, PhD, MME, AFAMEE, ESA Chair of the E learning committee, Planner

- Prof. Dr. Zeev Goldik | Chair of Anaesthesia Intensive Care and Pain Care Division - Lady Davis Carmel Medical Centre, Haifa, Israel

- MD PhD Prof. Emeritus Gabriel Gurman | Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
- MD Dr. Ruggero M. Corso | G.B. Morgagni Pierantoni Hospital Department of Surgery-Anesthesia and Intensive Care Section, Forli, Italy
- MD, PhD Jan Poelaert | Department Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine UZ Brussels, Belgium
- Prof. Kumar G. Belani | Department of Anesthesiology University of Minnesota, Edina, Minnesota, USA
- Associate Prof. Richard D. Urman | Director, Procedural Sedation Management Attending Anesthesiologist, Anesthesia and Pain Management, Professor Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Associate Prof. Fred E. Shapiro | Associate Professor of Anesthesia, D.O., FASA, Department of Anesthesia, Beth Israel Deaconess, Med. Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Scientific Support
- Dr. Reino Pöyhiä | Medical Director, Kauniala Hospital Finland; Adjunct Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Univ. of Helsinki, Finland | Adjunct Professor Palliative Medicine, Univ. of Turku, Finland

Key points of this webinar

• Understand challenges related to remote location anesthesiology practice and how to
prepare for it
• Apply advances in pharmacology to enhance patient experience and safety
• Describe the standard of care in remote locations: preoperative, intraoperative and

1. Non-operative room anesthesia in hospital locations - standard of care requirements,
and challenges, preoperative assessment, intraoperative monitoring, postoperative
2. Non-operative room anesthesia - pediatric aspects of care
3. Office base anesthesia - what do we need to know?
4. Special considerations for certain remote locations (MRI, how do we address
healthcare staff radiation in IR?)
5. Economics - how important is non-operative coverage for a department’s revenue?

This webinar will enable anesthesiologists, certified proceduralists, and care team members to:
• Interpret risk factors in remote locations and understand the setup requirements
for rooms
• Extrapolate anesthetic risk assessment to patients in non-operative locations
• Identify appropriate patients and appropriate invasive monitoring techniques
• Describe appropriate drugs used
• Recall the continuum of sedation depth levels
• Identify rescue capabilities in remote locations
• Review the challenges presented by the expanding case types

Practical skills to be acquired after attending to this Webinar
The user is able to

• provide standard of care anesthetic in a challenging environment
• align worldwide initiatives with every day practice-opiates crisis
• apply adaptative processes of learning to different conditions in remote location -
pediatric care, office based care for example
• understand and apply appropriate monitoring tools to enhance patient safety
• implement patient safety and patient satisfaction initiatives while preserving cost

Affective skills acquired after attending to this Webinar
The user is aware of/able to

• the ability to provide pediatric care in an unfamiliar child environment
• understand the healthcare personnel exposure to noxious agents (e.g. radiation)
and will be able to enhance safety measures
• align world initiatives to decrease mortality through narcotic usage while still
providing compassionate care

This webinar is kindly supported by a restricted educational grant from Medtronic.

Webinar on Non-Operating Room Anesthesia: New Challenges as Our Scope of Practice Changes
Assessment & Evaluation

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