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Dear Colleague,

You are about to participate in the third edition of the ESA Patient Safety and Quality Masterclass, an evolution of previous editions of the Patient Safety Master Course (Stockholm, 2014), the European Patient Safety Courses (2006-2016) and two editions of Patient Safety and Quality Masterclass (Madrid, 2016 and Bologna 2017).

This course is possible thanks to the collaboration between ESA Secretariat, ESA Patient Safety and Quality Committee and the IDEhA Simulation Center in Madrid.

We have worked hard to provide you with a different experience during the face to face time. We will share our experiences in a special environment: the IDEhA Simulation Center of the Alcorcón Hospital. Despite the fact this is not a simulation course, we will use different kinds of simulation. 

For the first time in the ESA Patient Safety Masterclass there will be a full section dedicated to the way patients perceive safety in healthcare. Coby Omvlee will join the MC faculty to testify her experience as a long-term hospitalised patient.

The online part of the course provides some basic and extra reading material. We kindly ask you to check and read the Basic Reading at least as this is a Masterclass that will not stop on the very basics of Patient Safety and Quality.

You can view and download the Programme for the European Patient Safety and Quality Masterclass 2018 here on this site and information on how to get to the venue is also available in the section entitled “Programme and Location”.

The course will be intensive and participative.  Faculty will share their experiences and expect that you share yours. Be prepared for it. 

We really look forward to meeting you in Madrid.




5-7 November 2018, Madrid

A downloadable PDF version of this programme is available under the section: Welcome, Course Programme and Map of Location

Day 1 – Monday, 5 November 2018


 Registration & documentation



 Introduction round. Attending goals/petitions


 Filippo Bressan, Johannes Wacker


 What’s new in Patient safety and Quality: from safety one to safety two

 Andrew Smith, Filippo Bressan


 Human Factor I: Building a team

 Daniel Arnal, Pilar Reboto


 Frame the PS tools: evidence for their use

 Johannes Wacker, Daniel Arnal





 Stayer – a patient’s view on patient safety

 Coby Omvlee





Day 2 – Tuesday, 6 November 2018


 Welcome back Q&A



 Introduction to the simulator

 Marta Bernardino, Pilar Reboto

 09:30 -   10:30

 Group 1 - Workshop 1:   CRM

 Group 2 - Workshop 2:   Handover

 Group 3 - Workshop 3: IRS

 W1 - Marta Bernardino, Filippo Bressan

 W2 - Pilar Reboto, Andrew Smith

 W3 – Daniel Arnal, Johannes Wacker, Martin   Ponschab

 10:30 -   11:30

 Group 3 - Workshop 1: IRS

 Group 1 - Workshop 2:   CRM

 Group 2 - Workshop 3:   Handover





 11:45 -   12:40

 Group 2 - Workshop 1:   Handover

 Group 3 - Workshop 2:   IRS

 Group 1 - Workshop 3: CR)

 12:45 -   13:30

 Human Factor II: psychology, ergonomics,

 Andrew Smith, Filippo Bressan





 Quality workshop I

 Martin Ponschab, Johannes Waker


 Human Factor III: supporting and debriefings, cognitive aids

 Filippo Bressan, Fernando Cassinello





 Quality workshop II

 Johannes Wacker, Martin Ponschab


 Open discussion



Day 3 – Wednesday, 7 November 2018


 Welcome back




 Local Faculty

 09:00 -   09:30

 Crisis task force: analysis of the event

 (in groups)


 G1: Daniel Arnal, Martin Ponschab

 G2: Filippo Bressan, Andrew Smith

 G3: Johannes Wacker, Pilar Reboto

 09:30 -   10:00

 Group 1 – Workshop 4:   Family information

 Group 2 - Workshop 5: Media   information

 Group 3 - Workshop 6:   Second victim

 W4: Andrew Smith, Pilar Reboto

 W5: Filippo Bressan, Johannes Wacker, Marta   Bernardino

 W6 : Daniel Arnal, Fernando Cassinello, Martin   Ponschab

 10:00 -   10:30

 Group 3 - Workshop 6:   Second victim

 Group 1 - Workshop 4: Family   information

 Group 2 - Workshop 5:   Media information

 10:30 -   11:00

 Group 2 - Workshop 5:   Media information

 Group 3 - Workshop 6: Second   victim

 Group 1 - Workshop 4:   Family information

 11:00 -   11:30

 Improvement plan (in groups)


 G1: Daniel Arnal, Martin Ponschab

 G2: Filippo Bressan, Andrew Smith

 G3: Johannes Wacker, Pilar Reboto





 Plenary review and discussion

 Filippo Bressan and all Faculty


 Addressing petitions


 Resume and good bye


IDEhA Simulation Center

Hospital Universitario Fundacion Alcorcon

c/Budapest 1, 
28922 Alcorcón – Madrid, Spain

Google Map here


Filippo Bressan (Italy) -  Patient Safety Masterclass Director

Johannes Wacker (Switzerland) -  Patient Safety and Quality Committee (PSQC) Chairperson

Daniel Arnal (Spain) -  PSQC Member

Andrew Smith (United Kingdom) – PSQC Member

Martin Ponschab (Austria) – PSQC Member

Coby Omvlee (Norway) – Patient

Marta Bernardino (Spain) – Local Faculty

Pilar Reboto (Spain) – Local Faculty

Fernando Cassinello (Spain) – Local Faculty

Participant Information
Access to this content is reserved to registered participants.
Welcome, Course Programme and Map of Location
Basic Reading
Extra Reading and Documents
Evaluation & Certificate

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