ESAIC Academy

0 new discussion posts (3 published)
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Nov. 9 9:45-10:45 (UTC+2)
1OP1 Current guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 9 11:00-12:30 (UTC+2)
1S1 ICU sepsis and inflammation - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 9 14:30-15:30 EET (UTC+2)
1L2 Effects of massive bleeding on coagulation - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 9 15:45-16:45 EET (UTC+2)
1S4 Perioperative anticoagulation - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 10 8:00-8:45 EET (UTC+2)
2L1 Preoperative iron therapy – evidence and indication - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 10 9:00-10:00 EET (UTC+2)
2S1 Postpartum bleeding - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 10 10:30-12:00 EET (UTC+2)
2S3 Patient blood management (PBM) II - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 10 13:00-14:30 EET (UTC+2)
2S6 Bleeding and microcirculation - SESSION CLOSED
Nov. 10 14:45-16:15 (UTC+2)
2S9 Transfusion with allogenic blood products - SESSION CLOSED

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