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The ESA Teach the Teacher Masterclass mission statement:

"To share knowledge and inspire participants to become educators and leaders who strive for improvement in anaesthesiology education."


Welcome to the first week of the ESA Teach the Teachers Course.

This introduction will give you some more detail about how the week will work and what you need to bring with you!
Please note the language of the course is English. All but one of the Faculty are not native English speakers and we appreciate that it takes time to become comfortable in a foreign language and we allow for this!

Design of the course.
The week we are together we will start on Monday morning and work for four and a half days, and finish on Friday at lunch time. The course is made up of a mixture of teaching modalities. There are formal presentations, there are workshops, there is time when you will be working together in groups and there are sessions when you will be doing the presentations. The timetable attached shows you the details.
At the end of the week there will be some assignments for you to complete before we meet again for the next week. Do not worry these assignments will be asking you to use some of your skills acquired on the course in your working life, and will not require a great deal of extra time.
You will give a presentation to your group in week one, and then you will prepare a longer presentation to be assessed in week two. More details will be given during the week.
What do I need to bring with me?

First and most importantly you need to bring lots of enthusiasm!! We hope that you are keen teachers and fast learners! The style of the course is such that participation is the major way we learn, so we need you to join in.
You should bring your laptop and a memory stick to down load the video of your presentation you will need a set of power point slides that you have used recently. You can copy all the didactic presentations onto your lap top or memory stick to refer to later, and they will be available in our drop box account.
When should I arrive?
We start promptly on Monday morning so you will need to be there the day before. On the first morning we will take your photograph and there will be a board with everyone’s name and picture on it. Please tell us if you do not want to take part in this, it is voluntary.
What about food?

Coffee breaks and lunch are provided by the course, and in Crete we have an ‘all in' package so you can eat in the hotel in the evenings, but we shall certainly go out to eat one or two nights! In Belgrade in April we have to find our own evening meals.
On Thursday evening there will be a dinner for all course members/students and faculty. This is paid for by the ESA and is in a local restaurant.
When can I go home?
The course will finish on Friday after lunch. You may arrange to leave on Friday, afternoon. The course finishes at 12:30
What about the Second week?
This will take place in Belgrade, Serbia from the 1st to the 5th of April 2019. It will also be 4 and a half days with the opportunity to go home on Friday lunch time. You should plan to attend both weeks, the second week has a different flavour and includes much more organisational information as well as giving you the chance to practise skills from week one!.
We look forward to seeing you in Crete
Best Wishes
Dr Lesley Bromley 

Objectives of the Course
You have been selected to take part in the course because you are a young specialist Anaesthesiologist who is keen on teaching. The objectives that we expect you to achieve at the end of the 2 week course are these:


  • Organise and deliver effective formal and informal teaching sessions
  • Have a systematic approach to teaching practical skills
  • Observe performance of residents and students and give good feedback
  • Have an overall approach to devising and delivering an Anaesthetic teaching Programme
  • Understand the principles of assessment and the types of assessment used in the Workplace and in formal examinations such as the European Diploma.
  • Develop educational programmes and implement change
  • Use the tools from the course to guide personal development as a teacher.


TTT Faculty


Lesley Bromley

Dr Lesley Bromley was Consultant Anaesthetist at UCLH in London, with a special interest in Pain Management. She also developed an interest in Medical Education and was Director of Medical Education for the Trust for 10 years. Now in retirement she is still teaching with a special focus on teaching doctors how to teach. She is the Chair of the Teach the Teacher Masterclass Committee and a senior faculty member on the course.


Vojislava Neskovic

Dr Vojislava Neskovic is an Attending Anaesthesiologist and Associated Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, Serbia. For most of her working career she was dedicated to cardiac, thoracic and vascular anaesthesia. She is Diplomate of the European Academy of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (DEAA) since 1998 and currently is an EDAIC examiner. Dr Neskovic has been involved in WFSA and ESA TTT (Teach the Teacher) courses since 2006 and currently is a member of senior faculty of the ESA TTT Masterclass.

She was always a great learner and believer in the power of education.

~ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world~ Nelson Mandela


Gordana Jovanovic 

Dr Gordana Jovanovic is Attending Anaesthesiologist, head of department of surgical intensive care unit and Associated Professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Clinic for anaesthesia and Intensive Care,Clinical Centre of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Serbia. For the most of her working career she was dedicated to intensive care, education in anaesthesia and simulation. She is Diplomate of the Walden University in College Teaching and Learning.Dr Jovanovic has been involved in WFSA and ESA TTT (Teach the Teacher) courses since 2006 and currently is a member of senior faculty of the ESA TTT Masterclass.


Kiriaki Vagdatli MD

Consultant in Anesthesia in General Hospital of Athens “G. Gennimatas” with special interest in urology, head and neck surgery, neurosurgery and chronic pain. Education has been another area of interest. Member of the TtT course faculty since 2010 after completing the WFSA TtT course. Active member in the educational program of the Hellenic Society of Anesthesiology (CEEA, congresses, workshops) and the Hellenic Society of Algology (Continuing Education in Algology).


Alexandra Papaioannou

I am Associate Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University of Crete and one of the biggest joys of my life is to interact with students. I participate in the Teach the Teacher course because it is inspiring. You always go away with new ideas on how to do teaching differently. And it is always enjoying and interesting to see how people from different backgrounds deal with problems similar to mine.


Carmen Oliveira

Since 2008 I have been working as an Anaesthesiologist at Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/ Espinho, Portugal. I have been involved in teaching Anaesthesiology Trainees since 2009. In April 2017 I became a faculty member of the TTT and teaching is what I truly enjoy doing.


Maria Aliaño

I am currently working at the University of Navarra Clinic in Madrid. I have been involved in teaching during the last 6 years. I attended the Teach the Teachers' course and then, in 2017 I became part of the faculty. This experience not only gives me the opportunity to share knowledge with people around Europe, but also to maintain a high standard in my own teaching skills.




First Week Location: Crete, Greece.

Dates: Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November 2018.



Agapi Beach Hotel

76, Andr. Papandreou str, Ammoudara

71414 Gazi

Heraklion, Crete

Pre-Course Assignment
Week 1 Material
Preperation for Week 2
Week 2 Material

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