ESAIC Academy

Pharmacology of intravenous induction agents
ESAIC Academy. Servin F. 06/03/17; 184321; 548 Topic: Basic Science
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Learning objectives: The Basic Sciences Anaesthetic Course is intended as one of the tools suitable for the preparation for the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care by improving the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of different areas of basic sciences. 

Target audience: ESA members interested in preparing for the EDAIC examinations and who wish to measure their own level of knowledge and skill through the On-Line Assessment.

Please note that the BASC webcasts are strictly reserved for the participants who attended the BASC in Geneva.
Learning objectives: The Basic Sciences Anaesthetic Course is intended as one of the tools suitable for the preparation for the European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care by improving the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of different areas of basic sciences. 

Target audience: ESA members interested in preparing for the EDAIC examinations and who wish to measure their own level of knowledge and skill through the On-Line Assessment.

Please note that the BASC webcasts are strictly reserved for the participants who attended the BASC in Geneva.
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