Managing non-surgical patients with major gastrointestinal problems in the ICU
ESAIC Academy. Huber W. 06/05/17; 184298; 50
Topic: Intensive Care Medicine
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Gastrointestinal problems that do not require surgical intervention are often viewed as less severe and easier to manage. Moreover. anesthesiologists who work primarily in the operating room environment, are rarely exposed to the complexity of treating such diseases. In this symposium three major gastrointestinal diseases that usually do not requie surgery will be discused. All of these diseases can be accompanied by significant secondary systemic pathologies (e.g. metabolic, circulatory, cardiac, renal etc´) and each can be lethal if treated incorrectly. Each expert will provide a brief outline of the challenges posed by each of these pathological condisions and will discuss treatment options, complications and associated mortality.
Gastrointestinal problems that do not require surgical intervention are often viewed as less severe and easier to manage. Moreover. anesthesiologists who work primarily in the operating room environment, are rarely exposed to the complexity of treating such diseases. In this symposium three major gastrointestinal diseases that usually do not requie surgery will be discused. All of these diseases can be accompanied by significant secondary systemic pathologies (e.g. metabolic, circulatory, cardiac, renal etc´) and each can be lethal if treated incorrectly. Each expert will provide a brief outline of the challenges posed by each of these pathological condisions and will discuss treatment options, complications and associated mortality.
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