ESAIC Academy

Ultrasonography in the hand of the anaesthesiologist: From the tip of the tongue to the pleura – and beyond!
ESAIC Academy. Teoh E. 06/04/17; 184270; 271 Topic: Respiration and Airway Management
ESRA Member Teoh
ESRA Member Teoh

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Lecture 1:
Ultrasound for safe handling of the upper airway
(Content: Practical application of ultrasonography for depicting the upper airway, distinguishing between tracheal and oesophageal intubation, confirmation of intubation, localization of trachea and the cricothyroid membrane)
Lecturer: Michael Seltz Kristensen

Lecture 2:
Ultrasound in the management of the parturient, the dyspnoeic and the non-fasting patient
(Content including: Ultrasound for judging prandial status, lung ultrasound for the dyspnoeic parturient, ultrasound to facilitate neuraxial block)
Lecturer: Wendy H. Teoh
Lecture 1:
Ultrasound for safe handling of the upper airway
(Content: Practical application of ultrasonography for depicting the upper airway, distinguishing between tracheal and oesophageal intubation, confirmation of intubation, localization of trachea and the cricothyroid membrane)
Lecturer: Michael Seltz Kristensen

Lecture 2:
Ultrasound in the management of the parturient, the dyspnoeic and the non-fasting patient
(Content including: Ultrasound for judging prandial status, lung ultrasound for the dyspnoeic parturient, ultrasound to facilitate neuraxial block)
Lecturer: Wendy H. Teoh
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