ESAIC Academy

Drugs and the heart: Improving, calming and protecting the pump
ESAIC Academy. De Hert S. 06/05/17; 184253; 80 Topic: Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Anaesthesia
Prof. Stefan De Hert
Prof. Stefan De Hert

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SSC13 Pharmacology (possible joint symposium with SSC7)

The purpose of this symposium is to provide updates on drugs administered in the perioperative period that act on the myocardium.

The first lecture will focus on β blocker therapy. The trials underpinning initiation of perioperative β blockers in patients with ischaemic heart disease having high risk surgery have largely been discredited, and the remaining evidence points to an increased risk of death. However, changes to the European guidelines have been slow. The lecture will review the current state of knowledge.

The second lecture will summarise the evidence for the cardioprotective effects of anaesthetic agents and the potential clinical implications
SSC13 Pharmacology (possible joint symposium with SSC7)

The purpose of this symposium is to provide updates on drugs administered in the perioperative period that act on the myocardium.

The first lecture will focus on β blocker therapy. The trials underpinning initiation of perioperative β blockers in patients with ischaemic heart disease having high risk surgery have largely been discredited, and the remaining evidence points to an increased risk of death. However, changes to the European guidelines have been slow. The lecture will review the current state of knowledge.

The second lecture will summarise the evidence for the cardioprotective effects of anaesthetic agents and the potential clinical implications
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