ESAIC Academy

Advancing the Helsinki Declaration by patient safety actions
ESAIC Academy. Staender S. 06/03/17; 184244; 226 Topic: Patient Safety
Sven Staender
Sven Staender

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This session aims at presenting how ESA PSQC and other institutions act to improve patient safety and to implement the goals of the Helsinki Declaration.

Topics of this "patient safety in action" session are critical incident reporting systems (local/national successful systems, and considerations of a European perspective), the analysis of data gained with such systems, the implementation of lessons learned, and potential impact on patient outcomes. A second focus is simulation training, it´s potential for improving perioperative outcomes, and initiatives of the ESA PSQC related to simulation-based training. Last, the session covers cognitive aids such as the WHO safer surgery checklist or crisis manuals. Different types of cognitive aids are presented, the current state of research evaluating their effectiveness, and their clinical implementation.
This session aims at presenting how ESA PSQC and other institutions act to improve patient safety and to implement the goals of the Helsinki Declaration.

Topics of this "patient safety in action" session are critical incident reporting systems (local/national successful systems, and considerations of a European perspective), the analysis of data gained with such systems, the implementation of lessons learned, and potential impact on patient outcomes. A second focus is simulation training, it´s potential for improving perioperative outcomes, and initiatives of the ESA PSQC related to simulation-based training. Last, the session covers cognitive aids such as the WHO safer surgery checklist or crisis manuals. Different types of cognitive aids are presented, the current state of research evaluating their effectiveness, and their clinical implementation.
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