Clinical Expertise in medical education: nice to have or absolutely necessary for life support training? Pro-Con
ESAIC Academy. Greif R. 06/03/17; 184237; 233
Topic: Education
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Medical Education as a relatively new scientific field plays an increasingly important role in life support teaching. Educators come from heterogenous backgrounds, many of them are not medically qualified. The question arises whether educators should have a medical background to design and faciliate training efficiently. In this session we would like to discuss differing views on this topic.
This session is planned as a joint session with education committee
This session is planned as a joint session with education committee
Medical Education as a relatively new scientific field plays an increasingly important role in life support teaching. Educators come from heterogenous backgrounds, many of them are not medically qualified. The question arises whether educators should have a medical background to design and faciliate training efficiently. In this session we would like to discuss differing views on this topic.
This session is planned as a joint session with education committee
This session is planned as a joint session with education committee
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