ESAIC Academy

New drugs and therapies
ESAIC Academy. Lirk P. 06/03/17; 184213; 85 Topic: General Anaesthesia
Dr. Philipp Lirk
Dr. Philipp Lirk

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SSC13 Pharmacology

The remit for this symposium will be recently introduced drugs or drugs that are in various stages of clinical trials/approvals.

The session will cover two areas:
1. New anaesthetic agents
2. New drugs and therapies for treating malignant hyperthermia

Should it be in collaboration with EMGH?
SSC13 Pharmacology

The remit for this symposium will be recently introduced drugs or drugs that are in various stages of clinical trials/approvals.

The session will cover two areas:
1. New anaesthetic agents
2. New drugs and therapies for treating malignant hyperthermia

Should it be in collaboration with EMGH?
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