ESAIC Academy

Mother Friendly Delivery : better understanding of maternal expectations and comfort ?
ESAIC Academy. Camorcia M. 06/05/17; 184196; 91 Topic: Obstetric Anaesthesia
Dr. Michela Camorcia
Dr. Michela Camorcia

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Pain perception and maternal expectations may significantly differ from one parturient to another. Is it a matter of genetics, parity, age, paternal presence... ? If a vaginal delivery is a natural process, can anaesthesia for C-section be modified accordingly ? Similarly the Mother Friendly Hospital Initiative insists on solid food intake during labour regardless of the analgesia technique used. Can we agree with such proposal without restrictions ? Ultrasonography may actually help us to evaluate gastric emptying in a parturient which is always at risk for a C-section while labour analgesia is not always successfully converted into satisfactory surgical anaesthesia.
Pain perception and maternal expectations may significantly differ from one parturient to another. Is it a matter of genetics, parity, age, paternal presence... ? If a vaginal delivery is a natural process, can anaesthesia for C-section be modified accordingly ? Similarly the Mother Friendly Hospital Initiative insists on solid food intake during labour regardless of the analgesia technique used. Can we agree with such proposal without restrictions ? Ultrasonography may actually help us to evaluate gastric emptying in a parturient which is always at risk for a C-section while labour analgesia is not always successfully converted into satisfactory surgical anaesthesia.
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