ESAIC Academy

Update on non-invasive monitoring for goal directed hemodynamic fluid management
ESAIC Academy. Cannesson M. 06/03/17; 184182; 147 Topic: General Anaesthesia
Maxime Cannesson
Maxime Cannesson

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In the recent years goal directed therapy (GDT) has been widely advocated. However, GDT is mainly based on invasive or minimal invasive hemodynamic monitoring. More recently noninvasive methods for assessemnt of volume responsiveness have been developed. This Symposium shall explore the various methods and evaluate their clinical application.
In the recent years goal directed therapy (GDT) has been widely advocated. However, GDT is mainly based on invasive or minimal invasive hemodynamic monitoring. More recently noninvasive methods for assessemnt of volume responsiveness have been developed. This Symposium shall explore the various methods and evaluate their clinical application.
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