Ambulatory anaesthesia for the obese patient
ESAIC Academy. Skues M. 06/03/17; 184169; 198
Topic: Ambulatory Anaesthesia
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Proposal by Chair of SSC2: Ambulatory Anaesthesia
New guidelines for Management of the Obese patient were published in Anaesthesia in 2015. Book chapters are now being written for publication in "Core topics in Anaesthesia for the Morbidly obese Surgical Patient" in 2016/7. Proposed speaker is writing the chapter on Day Surgery
New guidelines for Management of the Obese patient were published in Anaesthesia in 2015. Book chapters are now being written for publication in "Core topics in Anaesthesia for the Morbidly obese Surgical Patient" in 2016/7. Proposed speaker is writing the chapter on Day Surgery
Proposal by Chair of SSC2: Ambulatory Anaesthesia
New guidelines for Management of the Obese patient were published in Anaesthesia in 2015. Book chapters are now being written for publication in "Core topics in Anaesthesia for the Morbidly obese Surgical Patient" in 2016/7. Proposed speaker is writing the chapter on Day Surgery
New guidelines for Management of the Obese patient were published in Anaesthesia in 2015. Book chapters are now being written for publication in "Core topics in Anaesthesia for the Morbidly obese Surgical Patient" in 2016/7. Proposed speaker is writing the chapter on Day Surgery
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