The parturient with neurological problems
ESAIC Academy. Vercauteren M. 06/03/17; 184164; 78
Topic: Obstetric Anaesthesia
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Many anaesthesiologists still consider the parturient with neurological problems to be excluded from central nerve blocks. This may be due to a lack of controlled trials, previously reported mishaps or fear for a malpractice claim. Also patients may be afraid of worsening of their disease. The present refresher course will highlight the actual literature on the use of central nerve blocks and considerations to be taken when faced with this population.
Many anaesthesiologists still consider the parturient with neurological problems to be excluded from central nerve blocks. This may be due to a lack of controlled trials, previously reported mishaps or fear for a malpractice claim. Also patients may be afraid of worsening of their disease. The present refresher course will highlight the actual literature on the use of central nerve blocks and considerations to be taken when faced with this population.
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