ESAIC Academy

Last year top publications in obstetric analgesia and anaesthesia
ESAIC Academy. Van de Velde M. 06/03/17; 184163; 79 Topic: Obstetric Anaesthesia
Dr. Marc Van de Velde
Dr. Marc Van de Velde

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This new item which is supposed to be repeated during future annual congresses will give the attendees an overview of what the experienced speaker considers to be the best publications which appeared in peer reviewed journals during the last year. Similar sessions already exist during congresses of other obstetric societies such as SOAP and OAA.
This new item which is supposed to be repeated during future annual congresses will give the attendees an overview of what the experienced speaker considers to be the best publications which appeared in peer reviewed journals during the last year. Similar sessions already exist during congresses of other obstetric societies such as SOAP and OAA.
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