ESAIC Academy

Sepsis and biomarkers: something old, something new and what else?
ESAIC Academy. Fries M. 06/03/17; 184149; 8 Topic: Intensive Care Medicine
Michael Fries
Michael Fries

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Blood biomarkers are used in multiple diseases to indicate the presence of disease and response to treatment and are often used for decision support and for prognostication,
No single biomarker is being used currently for these purposes in sepsis but there is an ongoing "search for the holy grail". In this symposium several researchers will present their "favorite" biomarker, discuss their research methods and limitations and present the existing literature on the topic. Through these presentations participants will learn about the cellular and systemic physiological processes involved in sepsis, experience the controversies on this topic and observe the differences in research methods and in the process also be updated on current trials on sepsis biomarkers.
Blood biomarkers are used in multiple diseases to indicate the presence of disease and response to treatment and are often used for decision support and for prognostication,
No single biomarker is being used currently for these purposes in sepsis but there is an ongoing "search for the holy grail". In this symposium several researchers will present their "favorite" biomarker, discuss their research methods and limitations and present the existing literature on the topic. Through these presentations participants will learn about the cellular and systemic physiological processes involved in sepsis, experience the controversies on this topic and observe the differences in research methods and in the process also be updated on current trials on sepsis biomarkers.
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