Perioperative acute kidney injury
ESAIC Academy. Forni L. 06/04/17; 184148; 27
Topic: Perioperative Medicine
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AKI is highly associated with death in the ICU. However, if prevention and treatment of AKI begin at the time the patient is admitted to intensive care the likelihood of treatment success may be significantly lower. Avoiding AKI should therefore be a a team effort that continues throughout the perioperative period. In this session we will discuss how to prevent, diagnose, manage and treat AKI in the peri-operative period as a whole.
AKI is highly associated with death in the ICU. However, if prevention and treatment of AKI begin at the time the patient is admitted to intensive care the likelihood of treatment success may be significantly lower. Avoiding AKI should therefore be a a team effort that continues throughout the perioperative period. In this session we will discuss how to prevent, diagnose, manage and treat AKI in the peri-operative period as a whole.
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