ESAIC Academy

Stratifying perioperative patient pathway
ESAIC Academy. Saager L. 06/05/17; 184145; 150 Topic: General Anaesthesia
Leif Saager
Leif Saager

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It is essential to stratify patients to the most appropriate pathway for surgery. Perioperative biomarkers, pre- and postoperative scores might be helpful to decide whether patients need special preoperative optimization, can be done in an ambualtory setting or not, require special anaestehtic techniques, should be transferred to intermediate or inetnsive care after surgergy, etc.
It is essential to stratify patients to the most appropriate pathway for surgery. Perioperative biomarkers, pre- and postoperative scores might be helpful to decide whether patients need special preoperative optimization, can be done in an ambualtory setting or not, require special anaestehtic techniques, should be transferred to intermediate or inetnsive care after surgergy, etc.
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