Continuing education in anaesthesia
ESAIC Academy. Andres J. 06/04/17; 184110; 68
Topic: Education
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This Session should answer three questions:
1. Do we need recertification?
2. Can simulation and e-learning keep you up-to date?
3. What is better: European or National continuing education programme?
1. Do we need recertification?
2. Can simulation and e-learning keep you up-to date?
3. What is better: European or National continuing education programme?
This Session should answer three questions:
1. Do we need recertification?
2. Can simulation and e-learning keep you up-to date?
3. What is better: European or National continuing education programme?
1. Do we need recertification?
2. Can simulation and e-learning keep you up-to date?
3. What is better: European or National continuing education programme?
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