Perioperative fluid therapy
ESAIC Academy. Duranteau J. 06/05/17; 184101; 53
Topic: Intensive Care Medicine
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There is no ideal intravenous fluid. The evidence for the truth in this statement lies in the ongoing debate regarding fluids in our clinical practice and literature. In this symposium the first speaker will discuss the physiology of various fluids and what really happens when they are administered intravenously. The second speaker will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various fluid compositions based on the results of clinical trials, the limitations of these trials and whether they have in any way affected our practice (based on a broad survey recently conducted across Europe). The third speaker will discuss the controversial topic of colloid therapy and demostrate why, despite what we have been taught, colloids may still have an important place in patient care.
There is no ideal intravenous fluid. The evidence for the truth in this statement lies in the ongoing debate regarding fluids in our clinical practice and literature. In this symposium the first speaker will discuss the physiology of various fluids and what really happens when they are administered intravenously. The second speaker will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various fluid compositions based on the results of clinical trials, the limitations of these trials and whether they have in any way affected our practice (based on a broad survey recently conducted across Europe). The third speaker will discuss the controversial topic of colloid therapy and demostrate why, despite what we have been taught, colloids may still have an important place in patient care.
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