ESAIC Academy

Monitoring organ function
ESAIC Academy. Vos J. 06/05/17; 184098; 155 Topic: General Anaesthesia
Jaap Jan Vos
Jaap Jan Vos

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Current monitoring during anaesthesia is mostly restricted to global (macrohemodynamic) variables. However, this may not suffice when it comes to evaluate the function of particular organs. In this session, advances in organ monitoring will be shown for three major organs essential for the anesthesiologist, i.e. the liver, the lung and the kidney.
Current monitoring during anaesthesia is mostly restricted to global (macrohemodynamic) variables. However, this may not suffice when it comes to evaluate the function of particular organs. In this session, advances in organ monitoring will be shown for three major organs essential for the anesthesiologist, i.e. the liver, the lung and the kidney.
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