ESAIC Academy

Place of bougies and exchange catheters in airway management
ESAIC Academy. Hodzovic I. 06/03/17; 184088; 274 Topic: Respiration and Airway Management
Iljas Hodzovic
Iljas Hodzovic

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One of the spealers has written a review of the correct use of the bouguie in various aspects of iarway Management. Also the role of exchange cathheters foe extubation will be discussed.
Intubation through supraglottic airway devices and using the Aintree Catheter will be described
One of the spealers has written a review of the correct use of the bouguie in various aspects of iarway Management. Also the role of exchange cathheters foe extubation will be discussed.
Intubation through supraglottic airway devices and using the Aintree Catheter will be described
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