ESAIC Academy

Perioperative management of severe liver disease - Symposium organised in collaboration with the Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe (LICAGE)
ESAIC Academy. Saner F. 06/03/17; 184059; 30 Topic: Intensive Care Medicine
Fuat Hakan Saner
Fuat Hakan Saner

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The post operative mortality of patients with severe liver disease is exceedingly high. In order to assess risk and treat the patient accorrdingly one must be able to evaluate pre-operative liver function and/or expected residual liver function in the post operative period and diagnose and treat the systemic effects of liver disease (e.g. the hepato-pulmonary and hepato-renal syndromes , hepatic encephalopathy and more). In this symposium the speakers will walk the attendees though the pathophysiology and hemodynamic effects of liver disease, provide them with tools to guide preoperative assessment of risk, suggest measures that may be implemented to prevent acute decompensation and finally suggest how to manage the patient that has deteriorated despite it all. .
The post operative mortality of patients with severe liver disease is exceedingly high. In order to assess risk and treat the patient accorrdingly one must be able to evaluate pre-operative liver function and/or expected residual liver function in the post operative period and diagnose and treat the systemic effects of liver disease (e.g. the hepato-pulmonary and hepato-renal syndromes , hepatic encephalopathy and more). In this symposium the speakers will walk the attendees though the pathophysiology and hemodynamic effects of liver disease, provide them with tools to guide preoperative assessment of risk, suggest measures that may be implemented to prevent acute decompensation and finally suggest how to manage the patient that has deteriorated despite it all. .
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