The Geraldine O´Sullivan Lecture - Conversion from labour analgesia to Caesarean section anaesthesia : how to avoid general anaesthesia ?
ESAIC Academy. Guasch E. 06/04/17; 184043; 77
Topic: Obstetric Anaesthesia
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Epidural catheters in an obstetric setting may work for the treatment of labour pain but may sometimes appear to offer unsatisfactory anaesthesia for Caesarean section. This may result in conversion to general anaesthesia. Which factors may be at risk for such failure and can it be predicted ?
Epidural catheters in an obstetric setting may work for the treatment of labour pain but may sometimes appear to offer unsatisfactory anaesthesia for Caesarean section. This may result in conversion to general anaesthesia. Which factors may be at risk for such failure and can it be predicted ?
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