ESAIC Academy

First do no harm: an ethical approach to resuscitation
ESAIC Academy. Einav S. 06/04/17; 184033; 110 Topic: Intensive Care Medicine
Prof. Dr. Sharon Einav
Prof. Dr. Sharon Einav

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A joint symposium with the intensive care subcommittee.3 talks framed around Beauchamp and Childress´ bioethical pillars examining resuscitation and end of life care.

The talks would be:

1. Autonomy: Patient centred decision making regarding CPR
2. Non-maleficence: When to stop resuscitation
3. Beneficence: ICU admissions for whom the bell tolls in a culture of death denial
A joint symposium with the intensive care subcommittee.3 talks framed around Beauchamp and Childress´ bioethical pillars examining resuscitation and end of life care.

The talks would be:

1. Autonomy: Patient centred decision making regarding CPR
2. Non-maleficence: When to stop resuscitation
3. Beneficence: ICU admissions for whom the bell tolls in a culture of death denial
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