Non-invasive monitoring and goal directed therapy
ESAIC Academy. Payen D. 06/05/17; 184020; 152
Topic: General Anaesthesia
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In perioperative hemodynamic monitoring, there is a clear trend towards noninvasive monitoring allowing the continuous assessment of cardiac output. Flow-derived hemodynamic variables in turn are the cornerstone of current therapeutic strategies, e.g. for goal-directed fluid therapy.
For this purpose, a variety of different noninvasive technologies have been developed and described in validation studies.
In this session, basic principles will be discussed, as well as advantages and limitations of these innovative technologies and their role in goal-directed therapy algorithms.
For this purpose, a variety of different noninvasive technologies have been developed and described in validation studies.
In this session, basic principles will be discussed, as well as advantages and limitations of these innovative technologies and their role in goal-directed therapy algorithms.
In perioperative hemodynamic monitoring, there is a clear trend towards noninvasive monitoring allowing the continuous assessment of cardiac output. Flow-derived hemodynamic variables in turn are the cornerstone of current therapeutic strategies, e.g. for goal-directed fluid therapy.
For this purpose, a variety of different noninvasive technologies have been developed and described in validation studies.
In this session, basic principles will be discussed, as well as advantages and limitations of these innovative technologies and their role in goal-directed therapy algorithms.
For this purpose, a variety of different noninvasive technologies have been developed and described in validation studies.
In this session, basic principles will be discussed, as well as advantages and limitations of these innovative technologies and their role in goal-directed therapy algorithms.
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