ESAIC Academy

Use of ultrasound paediatric regional anaesthesia: state of the art evidence - Symposium organised by the Society for Ultrasound in Anaesthesia (SUA)
ESAIC Academy. Burrier C. 06/05/17; 183988; 604
Candice Burrier
Candice Burrier

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The Speakers will compare and update the evidence for ultrasound-guided pediatric regional anesthesia during the last years. Increase in block success and increase in block quality improved block quality, safety and efficacy of all regional anesthesia techniques. Today we can affirm that the ultrasound-guided anesthetic techniques allowed us to improve the anesthetic procedures and achieve a level of safety extraordinarily high. The availability of ultrasound machines with very high resolution and sophisticated software, the application of robotics techniques to anesthesia, the realization of new and innovative needles and probes have improved the quality standards in pediatrics.
The Speakers will compare and update the evidence for ultrasound-guided pediatric regional anesthesia during the last years. Increase in block success and increase in block quality improved block quality, safety and efficacy of all regional anesthesia techniques. Today we can affirm that the ultrasound-guided anesthetic techniques allowed us to improve the anesthetic procedures and achieve a level of safety extraordinarily high. The availability of ultrasound machines with very high resolution and sophisticated software, the application of robotics techniques to anesthesia, the realization of new and innovative needles and probes have improved the quality standards in pediatrics.
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