ESAIC Academy

Work hour restrictions, proliferating handovers: how much continuity does the patient need?
ESAIC Academy. Böhmer A. 06/04/17; 183979; 234 Topic: Patient Safety
Andreas Böhmer
Andreas Böhmer

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This Refresher Course summarises the evidence established from recent publications pointing to the risks related to handovers in the anaesthesia team during operations or in the perioperative setting, and to desired and undesired effects of work hour limitations. Emphasis of this RC is on the question if - and how - positive and negative effects of work hour limitations and (sometimes resulting) handovers can be balanced.
This Refresher Course summarises the evidence established from recent publications pointing to the risks related to handovers in the anaesthesia team during operations or in the perioperative setting, and to desired and undesired effects of work hour limitations. Emphasis of this RC is on the question if - and how - positive and negative effects of work hour limitations and (sometimes resulting) handovers can be balanced.
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