ESAIC Academy

Evidence-based recommendations for anaesthesia practice: a critical appraisal - Symposium organised by the New York State Society of Anesthesiologists (NYSSA)
ESAIC Academy. Bendo A. 06/05/17; 183964; 43
Audree Bendo
Audree Bendo

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Evidence-based practice is “the judicious use of current evidence in decisions about the care of individuals and populations." Given the widespread availability of medical literature and information from "big data," anesthesiologists are expected to analyze and interpret new knowledge and apply it to clinical practice. The speakers will review current evidence supporting certain clinical anesthesia practices. The evidence will be critically appraised for quality, relevance, completeness, and lack of potential bias.
Evidence-based practice is “the judicious use of current evidence in decisions about the care of individuals and populations." Given the widespread availability of medical literature and information from "big data," anesthesiologists are expected to analyze and interpret new knowledge and apply it to clinical practice. The speakers will review current evidence supporting certain clinical anesthesia practices. The evidence will be critically appraised for quality, relevance, completeness, and lack of potential bias.
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