ESAIC Academy

Problems after discharge from ambulatory surgery
ESAIC Academy. Gupta A. 06/04/17; 183960; 251 Topic: Ambulatory Anaesthesia
Anil Gupta
Anil Gupta

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Proposal as ESA SSC2, Ambulatory Surgery
A number of suggestions have been submitted by SSC2 members, reviewing issues after discharge of the ambulatory patient. Most significant are post discharge nausea and vomiting, the potential for post-operative fatigue and the issue of rebound acute pain after successful peri-operative implementation of regional blockade. These are therefore addressed by three speakers with eminent insight and recent experience.
Proposal as ESA SSC2, Ambulatory Surgery
A number of suggestions have been submitted by SSC2 members, reviewing issues after discharge of the ambulatory patient. Most significant are post discharge nausea and vomiting, the potential for post-operative fatigue and the issue of rebound acute pain after successful peri-operative implementation of regional blockade. These are therefore addressed by three speakers with eminent insight and recent experience.
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